Goofin’ Around in L.A.

  Farewell summer!  We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the, umm, actually, it rained in these parts most of the time.  In fact, soggiest on record. So, we finally dried off from summer and here it is, autumn with the nicest weather of the, well, summer.  But, by golly, we did manage some…

Animated & Awarded

I hope things are good on your end and that you’ll have an opportunity for some rest and relaxation this summer.  The blood, sweat and tears of voice over and on-camera demands over the past two months, plus a winter that kept on giving, precipitated a get-out-of-Dodge mode (or Toronto in this case).  So, since I last touched base,…

Swinging into Spring

I trust you survived winter.  It was pretty hard core around the Great Lakes region.  The snow and cold temperatures rivaled the best mother nature threw at us way back in ’39.  Why, by golly, that’s when snowbanks were 12 feet high and we had to tunnel to school through them. Bare footed. You know the deal.  Not…