Farewell summer! We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the, umm, actually, it rained in these parts most of the time. In fact, soggiest on record.
So, we finally dried off from summer and here it is, autumn with the nicest weather of the, well, summer. But, by golly, we did manage some fun with scattered joy since my last note back in June.
In the far corner, Dillon Cormac O’Shea, weighing in at 29 pounds at barely 9 months, making him officially eligible to be a bouncer. And in this corner, sporting the terminally cute polka dot number, Teaghan Jessie O’Shea, weighing only slightly more than her kid brother and turning 3 next month, keeps us pinned to the mat laughing with what she says.
These days she enters my voice over booth and instructs me to be her recording “asstisstant” while she does “silly voices” in her session! “And be quiet, daddy.”