Fall Speed Ahead

I trust this finds you well and embracing everything that is autumn.  All is well and, well, it’s fall.  So here are some highlights from summer:   a)    Family trip to Germany, Austria & Ireland b)    Voice over projects listed below c)    Purchased a winning lottery ticket to pay for ‘a’.  Fingers crossed.  * *…

Gold Digging with NatGeo

Dillon (6.96 yrs) & Teaghan (9) * * * * * A we prepare to nog some eggs and fire up the chestnuts here’s hoping you can spend time with family and friends over the holiday season. Whatever you celebrate may it be full of joy, happiness & peace.  Thank you for being an important…

VO Acting – From Screams to Screens

After coming off a winter that was one wicked slice of the ice age for epic snow, cold, wind, e-t-t-t-cetera, I’m here to report my newsletter-typing digits have sufficiently thawed due to how HOT these featured voice-over items were.  Ok, really warm.  Would you believe…tepid? (Ed. note: thank you Maxwell Smart for inspiration – applicable…