After coming off a winter that was one wicked slice of the ice age for epic snow, cold, wind, e-t-t-t-cetera, I’m here to report my newsletter-typing digits have sufficiently thawed due to how HOT these featured voice-over items were. Ok, really warm. Would you believe…tepid?
(Ed. note: thank you Maxwell Smart for inspiration – applicable to those over 50)By popular demand over the years I’ve included a pic of the kids since they graced this planet as 1st image in every update.
Why stop now? I know some of you like to follow their progress. * * * * * Teaghan & Dillon 6 yrs ago – and now.
And no she didn’t marry her brother. This was from her recent First Communion. Time flies. Carpe diem. Life is good.And now to those recent tepid VO highlights
(pseudo-hot off the press):
In the Lone Star State – everything is BIG! This client wanted a BIG sounding voice to promote their BIG screen in the BIG state of Texas. I was happy to oblige. No big deal.
“BIG HOSS” Texas Motor Speedway
There are big screens – and there are vital screens. May is Cancer Research Month. April was Cancer Awareness Month. Cancer awareness is something year-round for many. For men there’s a specific & important cancer screen to schedule.
Prostate Cancer 101 Voice Over by Rory O’Shea
From the levity department comes a creative parody on affording a mortgage. House purchasing can be a scary process –
as showcased in this mock trailer.
I was cast as the “creepy” real estate guy on the phone.
My newsletters were just awarded All-Star status by Constant Contact for a 6th straight year for “open & click-through rates”. Thanks for your continued support and killing a few minutes with me every couple of months.
“Awesome, awesome, awesome. Everyone loves this.”
Christopher S. Brown Director,Digital + Social QGA Public Affairs Washington, DC