Halloween Hellayear

In 15 years of sending these updates never has the sentiment “I hope this finds you well” been more meaningful. My previous update was at the beginning of summer as Covid restrictions were being eased and people were eager to get outside post-lockdown.  It was cabin fever on a global scale. MINI USA wanted to…

CoVideo Narrations – The New Normal

So, what do you think of 2020 so far? We’re almost at the halfway mark and I haven’t determined if the  glass is half-empty, half-full or just fully nuts. Remember the nuttiest news of early 2020 was Planters killing off Mr. Peanut during the Superbowl?! But I digress. Transition to the “New Normal” has affected all industries and demographics –…

Riding Low & Flying High

Here’s your friendly reminder that I’m just a call or email away to discuss your voice-over narration requirements for that awesome project you’re currently cleverly creating. Make it awesomer. I’ll deliver what you need from my spiffy studio. There. That’s all. We’re sell-free the rest of the way. * * * Well, summer seemed to…

I Hear Voices

I hear voices in my head. Probably on account of the fact that I wear headphones when I work. So, it’s more of an occupational hazard rather than something freaky. Yes, I know. What’s that? Never mind. Just me again. Ok, move on. While my own voice doesn’t terrify me (yet), some of the projects…

St. Patrick’s Day Highlights!

Well hello there! Hope life is being good to you.  Just poking my head in as a friendly reminder for voice over & narration services provided from a spiffy studio. Drop me a line any time for a free custom audition & quote for whatever you’re working on currently or planning in future. Scroll down…

Successful Summit – Yet War Imminent

Marketers and advertising agencies say – grab an email recipient’s attention with the subject line.  As in… “Successful Summit – yet War Imminent.” No, this isn’t about world leaders chumming around or the threat of pushing the biggest button.  No, no, no. But it’s not fake news, or tragic news either. Just happy voice-over news. Or, at least a…

Attitude of Gratitude

I hope you’re healthy and happy on that end.  Things keep motoring on this end.  So, in this issue: We’ll ‘Keep on Truckin’ I’ll introduce you to ‘Mike‘ My official reason to thank you; And, I have a couple of fun things to share… Yes, fun follows me around.  Her name is Teaghan.  At three-and-a-half years…