Friendly salutations to my American friends & clients – happy 4th of July in advance! I hope you enjoy some time with family & friends. If you hear partying & fireworks from your upstairs neighbours it’s because we’re doing some national celebrating ourselves for Canada Day, July 1st.
That day in 1867 when igloos coast to coast were connected by a national dog sled transportation system led by Prime Minister Tim Horton to unite hockey teams to drink maple syrup-flavoured beer out of moose-shaped glasses.
And yes, I spelled “neighbours” and “favoured” with a “u”. What can I say except sorry. That’s how we roll.
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Canadians & Americans – we all enjoy movies. As for recent voice over highlights I had fun doing the trailer for this flick.
It’s Canadian by the way:
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‘Big News from Grand Rock’
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As much as Canadians are inclined to say “sorry” we’re also an appreciative lot. And with that I’d like to say thanks a lot to everyone who made my recent mission possible. In my previous newsletter I mentioned I registered the team, Peg’s Leg-acy, to raise funds in the Relay for Life on June 13th.
I’m thrilled to announce that with the kindness & generosity of so many supporters I raised $10,725.00 for the Canadian Cancer Society in the name of a phenomenal woman – my mum Peggy Delaney.
While I’m getting all gracious I’d like to tip my hat to
Kevin Airgid for my recent brand/logo update plus full website overhaul.