I trust you’ve dusted off the cobwebs from old man winter and are perhaps enjoying nice temperatures for the first time in 2015. Toronto experienced its coldest winter in 4000 years. And now we’re in that sweet spot with the thermometer somewhere between prehistoric frostbite and the molten lava comfort of July & August.
In this ‘Same Sound – New Look’ edition of recent voice over highlights we brace for hot conditions en route with a Reliance Home Comfort television spot; prepare for Spring craft shows with a salute to all craftsmen & women; imagine living in the tropics during winter – this involves winning a lottery; and hit the highway for a 2-wheel road trip!
Spring is also a time for cleaning, organizing or changing things up. I was due to refresh my brand.
An updated website is in the works. In the meantime I’d like to make an introduction…..Heeeeerrre’s Johnny!! Wrong introduction. (ahem + drum roll) I present…..revised logo!!
As we prepare to crank the air conditioning in the months ahead – I cranked up the adrenaline as Sportscaster #1 in this TV spot for Reliance Home Comfort. “You feel that cool air, Skip?!“
(click image to play)
(click image to play)
From cool air – to cool ride.
Nothing cures Spring fever like hopping on a bike and leaving all stress behind. Some 2-wheel therapy showcased nicely in this ad for
Vanguard Clothing
Ahh, to be able to spend winter months down south – riding a motorcycle. That would be living the life. Yeah, but that would mean winning the lottery. Cue the spot:
Living the Life Lottery Rory O’Shea – Host & VO
Citizens of Craft – Voice Over by Rory O’Shea
Spring is a great time to check out local craft shows & artisans’ exhibits. I was asked to voice this piece applauding creative individuals that are all around us. You may be one yourself.
(Corporate VO)
“Always a pleasure. We’re always amazed at what a great job you do.”
Tiffany Kohl,
Manager of Events
BILD – Building Industry and Land Development Association