Cross-Border Birthdays + Trailer VO

Friendly salutations to my American friends & clients – happy 4th of July in advance! I hope you enjoy some time with family & friends. If you hear partying & fireworks from your upstairs neighbours it’s because we’re doing some national celebrating ourselves for Canada Day, July 1st. That day in 1867 when igloos coast…

Voice Over Branding – The Weather Network

As the branding voice for Canada’s national televised weather channel, The Weather Network, I have the pleasure of providing voice over intros & extros, on a weekly basis, for the various on-air weather features and segments. As with most voice branding or imaging – continuity is crucial. This is one of the key elements that…

VO Range: Serious to Light

 If you’re like me you’re counting the days before a little summertime R&R.  But before I put my feet up I’ll be giving them a workout in the Relay for Life June 13th in Toronto, raising funds in the fight against cancer.   I lost mum to cancer 5 years ago.  She would’ve turned 91…

Same Sound – New Look

 I trust you’ve dusted off the cobwebs from old man winter and are perhaps enjoying nice temperatures for the first time in 2015.  Toronto experienced its coldest winter in 4000 years.  And now we’re in that sweet spot with the thermometer somewhere between prehistoric frostbite and the molten lava comfort of July & August.  …

Irish / Spring Update

If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, you’re lucky enough. Regardless of your heritage I hope this day – and every day – finds you well and with a smile.  And if you find you’re in need of a narrator for a project – as luck would have it – I’m just an email away. …

Fall Speed Ahead

I trust this finds you well and embracing everything that is autumn.  All is well and, well, it’s fall.  So here are some highlights from summer:   a)    Family trip to Germany, Austria & Ireland b)    Voice over projects listed below c)    Purchased a winning lottery ticket to pay for ‘a’.  Fingers crossed.  * *…

Gold Digging with NatGeo

Dillon (6.96 yrs) & Teaghan (9) * * * * * A we prepare to nog some eggs and fire up the chestnuts here’s hoping you can spend time with family and friends over the holiday season. Whatever you celebrate may it be full of joy, happiness & peace.  Thank you for being an important…

VO Acting – From Screams to Screens

After coming off a winter that was one wicked slice of the ice age for epic snow, cold, wind, e-t-t-t-cetera, I’m here to report my newsletter-typing digits have sufficiently thawed due to how HOT these featured voice-over items were.  Ok, really warm.  Would you believe…tepid? (Ed. note: thank you Maxwell Smart for inspiration – applicable…

Getting Lucky on ABC

 I trust you’ve settled into your glorious routine by now and hope you had an enjoyable summer.  We embarked on weekend road trips through July & August here in big, beautiful Ontario, Canada and took the kids everywhere from Niagara Falls to Bridal Vail Falls, Manitoulin Island, for a week.  Fun (lots).  Sun (partially).  Ice…